What Other Services Do Dryer Vent Cleaning Companies Offer?

Discover what other services dryer vent cleaning companies offer besides just cleaning vents. Learn how regular cleaning can help save energy and money.

What Other Services Do Dryer Vent Cleaning Companies Offer?

Many dryer vent cleaning companies offer a variety of services beyond just dryer vent cleaning. These services include cleaning gutters, windows, fireplaces, upholstery, and carpets. It is essential to check the air flow out of the outer cover of the dryer to guarantee that there is sufficient ventilation to complete the service. When performing a dryer vent cleaning, we will remove the dryer from the wall and clean the ventilation pipe that runs from the outer back of the dryer to the inner area that contains lint.

Incorporating this into your regular cleaning routine will make your dryer work more efficiently and effectively. Hiring a professional to clean your dryer vents can also help you save energy and money. Shortening the drying time will consume less energy and prevent your clothes from being damaged excessively. Cleaning the dryer vent every year is an important part of keeping a home or property safe, healthy, and energy efficient.

There are several signs that you need to clean your dryer vents, such as a hot laundry room or a broken ventilation hood. If your dryer leaves clothes wet or too warm, it may be time for a professional to clean the dryer's vents. When performing a dryer vent cleaning, we will clean it from the inside to the outside, from the outlet cover of the outside ventilation (termination), or from the outside to the inside.